Kidney Stone Product Buyer’s Guide (updated May 2024)

Uriflow Review

Uriflow offers a one-capsule serving that consists of a comprehensive list of ingredients combined to form a 500 mg proprietary blend. Each bottle comes with 60 servings that are meant to dissolve kidney stones, stop the pain and prevent new kidney stones from forming. 

This product does not offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee, nor is there any mention of whether it is cGMP certified. However, ultimately the formula is what we’re truly interested in and whether the outcome will be as promised.

Marketed as a featured product on national TV, we were excited to see if the product lives up to the hype. The manufacturer claims this to be the first non-prescription product that is successful at alleviating kidney stones by working on the stone itself. We’re not sure how recent this description was written, but we have a feeling that they may want to take another look around at the market and adjust their statement.

Is Uriflow Effective?

This brand is one we’re unfamiliar with, so we were intrigued to see the comprehensive list of ingredients they included in their formula. This appears to be the only product sold by this brand, and it seems to be exclusively sold on third-party sites such as Amazon. First off, their formula provides a proprietary blend of 500 mg, however, because it is a proprietary blend, there is no way of knowing how much of each ingredient is in the formula, which makes it challenging to predict how effective this formula will be. 

Ultimately, this formula includes powerful antioxidant-rich ingredients such as Turmeric, Cranberry, Pumpkin, and Pomegranate. These ingredients may be beneficial to help reduce the pain as they have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Based on our research, though, we feel there are other ingredients that are more effective when it comes to dissolving kidney stones. One such ingredient is the ‘stone breaker,’ Chanca Piedra. Listed as first in the proprietary blend, we can only hope that this means it is the dominant ingredient. But without knowing the true amount, it is impossible to ascertain if it will be effective or not. Another key ingredient that this formula includes is Magnesium which is effective at helping dissolve kidney stones composed of Calcium Oxalate. This is what won us over and the reason we placed this product as second, as it was the only other kidney stone supplement that included these ingredients.

Unfortunately, there were a couple of things that knocked this product down a number of notches. Firstly, there is no satisfaction guarantee offered. This is something we always look for as it is a symbol of affirmation by the manufacturer that they believe in their product. Secondly, while we did find many positive reviews, we also found many mixed reviews that were not enough to convince us that this product is number one in kidney stone support.

Is Uriflow Safe?

In general, this product is marketed as natural and safe. However, there is no mention of third-party testing or cGMP certification. However, based on the reviews there do not seem to be known side effects. As a general rule, it is always recommended to speak to your doctor before taking any new supplement, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, have any health conditions, or are taking other medications.


We couldn’t help but be drawn to this product. With ingredients like Chanca Piedra, Magnesium, this product certainly stands out. These ingredients are shown to be beneficial in reducing the size of kidney stones and helping to expel them from the urinary tract. We like that they added antioxidant ingredients such as Turmeric and Pomegranate seed, however we feel that there are other key ingredients that would be more beneficial in a kidney stone supplement than these. Moreover, this product has no mention of cGMP certification, nor does it offer a satisfaction money-back guarantee. It is also important to note that this product is not suitable for vegetarians due to the Gelatin in the capsule. We ultimately determined that this product did not reach the same level of excellence as our top option.

What You’ll Discover:

Which kidney stone supplement is the BEST BUY and comes with a great GUARANTEE!
Which formula and ingredients are the most EFFECTIVE and work the fastest?
How NOT to get ripped off! BE AWARE of poor quality and cheap products.

Top 6 Items to Consider:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cost Per Serving
  3. Product’s Testing Results
  4. Company’s Reputation
  5. Consumer Reviews
  6. Return Policy & Satisfaction Guarantee

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