Kidney Stone Product Buyer’s Guide (updated May 2024)

Product Comparison

Approved Science Stonexyl
Logic Nutra Stone Breaker
Kidney C.O.P. Calcium Oxalate Protector
Contains Chanca Piedra to Break Down Kidney Stones
Contains Crataeva Nurvala & Potassium to Dissolve Stones and Balance pH
Includes Vitamins B1 & B6 to Combat Deficiencies
Contains Black Pepper Extract to Boost Bioavailability
Third-Party Tested
Money-Back Guarantee


Kidney Stone Report


Rating: Excellent


Money-Back Guarantee
Consumer Feedback
Company Reputation

Editor’s Choice

Approved Science Stonexyl

If you are looking to finally get rid of your kidney stones for good, then Approved Science Stonexyl is something that deserves your undivided attention. Of all the kidney stone supplements currently available on the market, this is the one that deserves a closer look and very likely, the one that will change your life!

It contains the clinically researched amount of 450 mg of Chanca Piedra, as well as the Aryuvedic herb Crataeva Nurvala which helps break down kidney stones. This formula also includes key minerals such as Potassium Citrate and Magnesium Oxide in their optimal forms to create a balanced environment in the urinary tract to help prevent new stone formation. It includes Vitamins B1 and B6 to overcome deficiencies which helps reduce the risk of new kidney stones. It was the only product we found that contains BioPerine® to enhance nutrient absorption and consequent utilization for better results. It does not contain any additives or preservatives and is totally 100% safe to use with no long-term side effects.

Quality: Approved Science Stonexyl contains high-grade, natural, clinically-verified ingredients that are GMP-certified.

Reputation: Approved Science’s reputation is top quality. They are well known in the industry and are an established company that provides great customer service, secure and easy checkout as well as prompt, efficient delivery. This manufacturer has several third-party monitoring services, including buySAFE, Norton, and Trustee, as well as an A+ rating from the quality monitoring company QualityTrusted. Approved Science’s commitment to the health industry and consumers is excellent, providing further legitimacy to their products by producing them in an FDA-registered laboratory.

Money-Back Guarantee: Every item sold is supported by a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. Such guarantees from manufacturers show strong confidence in their products’ ability to deliver results. Great news for consumers.

Bottom Line: If you are looking for a product that ticks all the boxes for an effective kidney stone supplement that comes from an established reputable company with an excellent money-back guarantee, then this is the supplement for you.

It would be good to note that, due to high demand, Approved Science Stonexyl is often sold out. To avoid having to back order, don’t hesitate to make that purchase when you see it in stock.

See The Full Review


Rating: Good




Uriflow offers a one-capsule serving that consists of a comprehensive list of ingredients combined to form a 500 mg proprietary blend. Each bottle comes with 60 servings that are meant to dissolve kidney stones, stop the pain, and prevent new kidney stones from forming.

This product seems to be the only one available from this manufacturer, which is a bit of a deterrent for us. The manufacturer does not offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee, nor is there any mention of whether it is cGMP certified. However, ultimately the formula is what we’re truly interested in and whether it will deliver the results it promises.

Marketed as a featured product on national TV, we were excited to see if the product lives up to the hype. The manufacturer claims this to be the first non-prescription product that is successful at alleviating kidney stones by working on the stone itself. Seeing as this description was written back in 2006, we have a feeling that they may want to take another look around at the market and adjust their statement.

Click here to read the full review


Rating: OK


Logic Nutra Stone Breaker

Logic Nutra Stone Breaker is a 120-capsule bottle with a simple formula of just three ingredients: 800 mg Chanca Piedra, 25 mg Celery extract, and 25 mg Cranberry extract per capsule. The product aims to “promote kidney and gallbladder relief, combat discomfort and maintain proper balance.” However, a closer examination of the ingredients reveals a number of differences.

The inactive ingredients in this formula outnumber the active ingredients. You should always be wary when there are too many inactive ingredients because they could weaken the effectiveness of a product and can sometimes cause harmful interactions.

This manufacturer holds a cGMP certification and claims a no-risk money-back guarantee. Based on all these factors, we were certainly intrigued. In order to analyze the product more thoroughly, we went over every aspect to identify both its advantages and any potential drawbacks. Read our full review to find out all the information about Logic Nutra Stone Breaker.

Click here to read the full review

What You’ll Discover:

Which kidney stone supplement is the BEST BUY and comes with a great GUARANTEE!
Which formula and ingredients are the most EFFECTIVE and work the fastest?
How NOT to get ripped off! BE AWARE of poor quality and cheap products.

Top 6 Items to Consider:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cost Per Serving
  3. Product’s Testing Results
  4. Company’s Reputation
  5. Consumer Reviews
  6. Return Policy & Satisfaction Guarantee

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